Indian superstar Hrithik Roshan took to his social media to wish the audience on the auspicious occasion of Vasant Panchami. Vasant Panchami is one of the most popular spring festivals of India, celebrated across different parts of country with fun and fervor.
New Delhi [India], February 16 (ANI): Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan on Tuesday extended Vasant Panchami's wishes to his fans with a delightful note on social media.
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Basant Panchami (बसंत पंचमी) the name itself hints that Spring has arrived. The auspicious day, which is also known as Vasant Panchami, is celebrated in India on the fifth day of Maagh, according to the Hindu calendar. It is celebrated this year in parts of India on 16 February 2021. Last year, it was celebrated on 29 January.
Vasant , or spring, is called the king of all seasons. The arrival of Basant Panchami also signifies the arrival of spring in the region.
Happy Basant PanchamiTwitter
Hindus in many parts of the country worship Goddess Saraswati on this special day as the deity of knowledge and wisdom. As per Indian mythology, she was born on the day of Basant Panchami. She is considered an emblem of knowledge. As per the popular belief, worshipping Goddess Saraswati on this auspicious day may bring blessings of wisdom, knowledge and learning.
Basant Panchami 2021: Wishes, quotes, messages, Whatsapp status and greetings to send your loved ones
On the occasion of Basant Panchami, share these wishes, messages, greetings and quotes with your near and dear ones to invoke the festive spirit and celebrate the festival of spring. Written By Basant Panchami 2021: Wishes, quotes, messages, Whatsapp status and greetings to send your loved ones
The festival of Basant Panchami or Vasant Panchami marks the arrival of the spring season. This festival is celebrated with huge fervour all over the country. People wear yellow-coloured clothes and incorporate this colour even in the food that they prepare.