SOSU students earn awards at Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature
A number of political science students from Southeastern Oklahoma State University earned awards at the recent Oklahoma Intercollegiate Legislature (O.I.L.) competition.
The O.I.L. is a student-run mock government that replicates all three branches of the state government of Oklahoma.
Southeastern students have been participating in the competition for several years.
As a team, Southeastern took first place in the Best Senate Delegation Competition and third place in the competition for Best Overall Delegation.
In addition, a number of individual students from Southeastern earned recognition.
Tammy Vo, a senior political science major and SE delegation chair from Calera, received the Distinguished Delegate Award. In the Best Legislation competition, SE political science students took first (Christian Grinolds, a senior from Broken Bow) and third (Sophia Seay, a senior from Grapevine, Texas) place. In
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Congratulations to Neel Gautam and Cameron Allivand of Durant High School who have been selected as the April 2021 Shamrock Bank Impact Athlete and Performing Arts Student of the month.
Gautam, a senior, has been a stalwart of the Lion tennis team. A four year varsity player, Neel has fashioned a 20-7 record this season and has never finished below third place in any of the tournaments.
“Neel is one of the hardest working players I have ever coached,” DHS tennis coach Jonathan Rodriguez said. ” He is also an amazing teammate. He is willing to help out his team and cheer them on all the time.”
Dennis Rodman Fast Facts
Birth place: Trenton, New Jersey
Birth name: Dennis Keith Rodman
Father: Philander Rodman
Children: with Michelle Moyer: Trinity and Dennis Jr.; with Anicka Bakes: Alexis
Education: Attended Cooke County Junior College, 1982-1983; Attended Southeastern Oklahoma State University, 1983-1986
Other Facts
Won five NBA championships (1988-1989, 1989-1990 with Detroit Pistons; 1995-1996, 1996-1997, 1997-1998 with Chicago Bulls)
His father left the family when Rodman was three.
Worked as a janitor at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport at age 19.
Has appeared on the reality shows “Celebrity Rehab” and “Celebrity Apprentice.”
1986 – Is chosen in the second round of the NBA draft.
Higher Education Institution NIMS Advisories
Higher Education Institution NIMS Advisories
The Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security is pleased to announce the release of the NIMS Implementation Activities for Schools and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) issued by the US Department of Education s Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools (OSDFS)
As Recipients of Federal Preparedness funding through the USDOE s Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) and Emergency Management for Higher Education Discretionary Grant Program, local educational institutions and schools are required to fulfill NIMS implementation activities in close coordination with members of their local government and emergency response community. Additionally, it is recommended that all schools and HEIs review and implement these activities as they are key steps any school or HEI can take in advance of an emergency, and may also formalize many activities already being conducted b y schools or HEI
Dennis Rodman Fast Facts
Birth place: Trenton, New Jersey
Birth name: Dennis Keith Rodman
Father: Philander Rodman
Children: with Michelle Moyer: Trinity and Dennis Jr.; with Anicka Bakes: Alexis
Education: Attended Cooke County Junior College, 1982-1983; Attended Southeastern Oklahoma State University, 1983-1986
Other Facts
Won five NBA championships (1988-1989, 1989-1990 with Detroit Pistons; 1995-1996, 1996-1997, 1997-1998 with Chicago Bulls)
His father left the family when Rodman was three.
Worked as a janitor at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport at age 19.
Has appeared on the reality shows “Celebrity Rehab” and “Celebrity Apprentice.”
1986 – Is chosen in the second round of the NBA draft.