In a 44,000-square-foot warehouse behind a small Hempfield office are several large rooms filled with boxes and boxes containing thousands of pieces of used electronics — once the lifeblood of the modern computerized office. CyberCrunch LLC has literally tons of old laptops, desktop computers, keyboards, mice, televisions, hard drives, desk
Higher Education Institution NIMS Advisories
Higher Education Institution NIMS Advisories
The Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security is pleased to announce the release of the NIMS Implementation Activities for Schools and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) issued by the US Department of Education s Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools (OSDFS)
As Recipients of Federal Preparedness funding through the USDOE s Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) and Emergency Management for Higher Education Discretionary Grant Program, local educational institutions and schools are required to fulfill NIMS implementation activities in close coordination with members of their local government and emergency response community. Additionally, it is recommended that all schools and HEIs review and implement these activities as they are key steps any school or HEI can take in advance of an emergency, and may also formalize many activities already being conducted b y schools or HEI