Kanoa Withington/Wikimedia Commons / Creative Commons 3.0 License
KAILUA-KONA, Hawaii Some Big Island officials questioned the need to pump money into tourism promotion, but a measure to reallocate budget funds was voted down.
The issue came up at a county council budget meeting last week, West Hawaii Today reported Monday.
North Kona Councilman Holeka Inaba was concerned that other areas of Hawaii County s $609.1 million budget were being neglected. Inaba proposed removing $359,000 from the Department of Research and Development’s $459,000 line item for tourism promotion contract services.
“I feel that this money could be better used elsewhere,” Inaba said. “We have goals that state that tourism is compatible with historic and natural resources. That it’s not intrusive on our local communities, that it helps to strengthen private, public and international partnerships and makes us a resilient community, Inaba said. And I don’t believe that to be true, as we
Dryland crop technology to rescue drought-hit crop-livestock farmers in Zimbabwe
Climate change-induced droughts in Zimbabwe over the last two decades has hit resource-poor farmers the most. Many watched their valuable livestock die during the dry season due to fodder shortages and their inability to buy expensive commercial feed. The impact of drought on livelihoods is undeniable, but the problem was exacerbated by massive knowledge gaps. A ‘needs assessment’ project survey found that 90% of farmers had no knowledge on fodder production and preservation technologies and there was an urgent need to build capacity to prevent the crisis from deepening.
To understand the scale of these challenges, the Zimbabwe Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation Services (ZAKIS) surveyed four project target districts, namely Matobo, Insiza, Mhondoro-Ngezi and Chegutu.
Officials vote no on cutting Hawaii County tourism promotion
May 24, 2021
KAILUA-KONA, Hawaii (AP) Some Big Island officials questioned the need to pump money into tourism promotion, but a measure to reallocate budget funds was voted down.
The issue came up at a county council budget meeting last week, West Hawaii Today reported Monday.
North Kona Councilman Holeka Inaba was concerned that other areas of Hawaii County s $609.1 million budget were being neglected. Inaba proposed removing $359,000 from the Department of Research and Development’s $459,000 line item for tourism promotion contract services.
“I feel that this money could be better used elsewhere,” Inaba said. “We have goals that state that tourism is compatible with historic and natural resources. That it’s not intrusive on our local communities, that it helps to strengthen private, public and international partnerships and makes us a resilient community, Inaba said. And I don’t