The Morongo Valley Community Services District board of directors discussed several topics at last night’s special meeting, including reopening Covington Park. After extensive discussion, the board voted unanimously to reopen the park and the CSD offices to the public, but only after hand sanitizer dispensers required by the CDC can be purchased and installed. Reporter Andrew Dieleman has more from the meeting…
At last night’s meeting, the board also voted unanimously to pay more than $27,000 in back pay to district Director of Operations and Fire Chief Gary Yearsley. After a closed-session meeting where the discussion took place, Vice President Christina Brook reported that the $27,711.25 (less one partial payment already made to Yearsley by the district) would be paid to Yearsley for additional services rendered, including unified command services during the 2020 Apple fire, an unspecified medical situation, and unpaid duty-officer coverage.
The Morongo Valley Community Services District board of directors tackled numerous topics at last night’s nearly four-hour board meeting, including electing a new board president and vice president. The board unanimously re-elected current President Gayl Swarat and Vice President Christina Brook back to their respective positions. Reporter Andrew Dieleman has more from the meeting…
At last night’s marathon meeting, the board also created an ad hoc committee including President Gayl Swarat and Vice President Christina Gorke to determine how to spend a recent $180,000 grant for updates to Covington Park. The committee will collect recommendations on how to best use the funds with the hopes of completing the park updates in time for summer 2021. The board tabled discussions on possibly holding a 2021 softball season until its March meeting. The board is expected to allow planning for the season to begin with the understanding that the season may not take place depending on COVID-