In April, 15 people from ten local businesses received training that provided them with tools to help reduce underage drinking and drunk driving. The Responsible Alcohol Seller/Server Training is sponsored by the Healthy Lincoln County Substance Use.
Virtual class - no fee - register ASAP
Kate Martin Sun, 02/21/2021 - 8:00pm
Healthy Lincoln County and the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office are working together to provide local restaurants, bars, and stores with Alcohol Seller/Server training on Wednesday, Feb. 24 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Advanced registration through Healthy Lincoln County is required. For the first time, the training will be offered virtually and at no cost to the businesses. Registration is online at:
“We’re waiving the $15 per person fee because we don’t want that to be a barrier for businesses right now,” said Kate Martin, Director of Healthy Lincoln County.