Laura Fergusson Trust rehabilitation centre closure: Former residents share love story
15 May, 2021 05:00 PM
3 minutes to read
Angela and Craig Shore met at the Laura Fergusson Rehabilitation Centre. Photo / Brett Phibbs
She was in unit 43, he was in the main house, and it was love at first sight.
They were both at Laura Fergusson Rehabilitation Centre - a recently, and controversially, closed home and respite care unit for disabled young people - for different reasons, but the friendship developed in the safety of its Epsom surrounds would eventually lead them down the aisle.
Today, Craig and Angela Shore will join other former residents and their supporters at a rally at the centre s semi-abandoned site.
WA Premier defends strict lockdown by comparing it to NSW model
A new relaxation of Western Australia s COVID-19 restrictions will come in to place at midnight, but Premier Mark McGowan is urging the community to stay vigilant. It s about wearing a mask, it s about doing the right thing, it s about ensuring you follow all the rules and precautions we are putting in place, he said.
He said the new level of restrictions will remain in place for the next week.
WA Premier Mark McGowan takes off his mask.(Hamish Hastie)
Mr McGowan defended his decision last week to send Perth and Peel into a snap three-day lockdown, saying it remained preferable to months of lower-grade restrictions.
WA restrictions ease as Premier urges community to stay vigilant
A new relaxation of Western Australia s COVID-19 restrictions have come in to place as of midnight (2am AEST) but Premier Mark McGowan is urging the community to stay vigilant. It s about wearing a mask, it s about doing the right thing, it s about ensuring you follow all the rules and precautions we are putting in place, he said.
He said the new level of restrictions will remain in place for the next week.
WA Premier Mark McGowan is urging the community to stay vigilant after restrictions eased in the Perth and Peel regions as of midnight(Hamish Hastie)
24 Apr 2021 at 16:52
Photo credit: Archant.
Eve Collishaw is someone you won’t have heard of unless you follow Norwich politics very closely. I first met her on the campaign trail in Norwich North in the 1983 general election. She has stood in every local election in the city more or less every year ever since. In the mid noughties she finally achieved her aim and won seats on Norwich City Council and Norfolk County Council, serving for 7 and 12 years respectively. She even became the 100th Lord Mayor of the City in 2010.
Eve was a dedicated Conservative and without her, at times, the whole Conservative organisation in Norwich South might have collapsed. She gave her time, money and much of her life to the Conservative cause. She died this week at the age of 76.