Social, living standards acrossmost provinces abysmally poor
Mehtab Haider
Most districts of Balochistan, Sindh, KP, southern Punjab show poor standards; surveyfinds 16pc households facing food insecurity; literacy rate for 10-year olds, above stagnantat 60pc since 2014-15
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Social andLiving Standard Measurement(PSLM) survey for 2019-20 showsthat the literacy rate for 10 yearsand above remained stagnant at 60percent compared to the findingsof the same survey done in 2014-15.The results also demonstrate that14 percent of household experiencedmoderate food insecuritywhile 2 percent witnessed severefood insecurity in the country.This official survey known asPSLM was conducted countrywidewith a sample of 6,500 blocksand 19,500 households. The PSLM2019-20 survey provides assessmentof the condition of the districtswith respect to the humandevelopment dimensions like educationand health and living standards.The situation of seven districtsof erstwhile FAT
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Social and Living Standard Measurement survey for 2019-20 shows that the literacy rate for 10 years and above remained stagnant at 60 percent compared to the findings of.