The actor had been shooting for 20 days but, as per reports, differences seem to have emerged between the makers and the actor. According to unconfirmed reports, Johar s banner Dharma Productions have also decided not to collaborate with the actor in future.
April 15, 2021
With a raging pandemic potentially threatening their business prospects, Indian companies are putting extra efforts into employee retention.
In line with companies across the Asia Pacific region, Indian firms have increased their spending on employee engagement and wellbeing, and training and development, among other measures that can help in staff retention, according to a survey by LinkedIn. The increase in budget for current employees comes at a time when companies in the Asia Pacific region have cut hiring spends by around 30% due to an “uncertain business outlook,” the survey said.
The findings are based on a quantitative 20-minute online survey filled by over 3,500 small, medium, and large companies across Australia, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore.
Dive Brief:
Goodwill Industries International and Accenture are launching a virtual reality tool that allows job seekers with criminal backgrounds to practice their interviewing skills, interact with human resource professionals and hear from workers who have found employment after incarceration, the organizations announced April 7.
Through the project, called Project Overcome, job seekers will learn to “speak comfortably about their incarceration” and use up-to-date technologies.
Ten nonprofit Goodwill organizations around the U.S. will implement the project.
Dive Insight:
A handful of stakeholders are attempting to address the difficulties job seekers with criminal backgrounds face. State and local governments are enacting legislation that implements stronger protections for such job seekers. Illinois, for instance, recently passed a law that forbids employers from taking adverse actions against job seekers and workers based on past criminal activity, unless certain exce