Sogavare Vows to Increase PCDF
Sogavare assured the Premier(s) that the PCDF funding to the Provinces will be increased under the current redirection policy and that will happen in two stages- details of which will come out later.
Source: OPMC Thursday, 01 July 2021 08:59 AM
Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare has announced in Tulagi this week that the National Government under his leadership will increase the Provincial Capacity Development Fund (PCDF) as part of the Government’s Redirection Policy.
The Prime Minister made the assurance in the presence of Provincial Premiers attending the Central Islands Second Appointed Day that the government is going back to the drawing board to ensure the PCDF funding is more effective in service delivery to address developmental issues faced by Provincial Governments.
Ghombua Community Opens Rural Health Centre
Over a hundred Ghombua residents, Chiefs, elders, church and community leaders, fathers and mothers with their children gathered in great excitement to witness the historic moment for their community, the opening of their new Rural Health Clinic (RHC)
Source: MHMS Thursday, 17 June 2021 09:02 AM
Walking for hours under the scorching heat of the sun simply for medical attention, worst still, losing a family member or friend along the way will now go down in the history books and a thing of the past for around 5 thousand people residing in and around Ghombua community, Guadalcanal.
This week Tuesday, over a hundred Ghombua residents, Chiefs, elders, church and community leaders, fathers and mothers with their children gathered in great excitement to witness the historic moment for their community, the opening of their new Rural Health Clinic (RHC).
SSO looks to cut SSF contributions
Plans to reduce rates to 2.5% for 3 months
published : 14 May 2021 at 06:00
4 Members of the Social Security Fund arrive at the Thai-Japanese youth centre in Din Daeng district of Bangkok for free Covid-19 tests on May 8. (Photo: Apichit Jinakul)
The Social Security Office (SSO) is to seek the cabinet s approval to cut social security fund (SSF) contributions to support those affected by Covid-19 for three months.
Surachai Chaitrakulthong, assistant to the labour minister, said on Thursday the Federation of Thai Industry had asked the ministry to launch additional measures to help employers and employees affected by Covid-19 s economic impact.