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School’s Policy Prohibiting the Presence of a Transgender Student in the Restroom That Matches Their Gender Identity May Be Unlawful Discrimination
School boards have long known that gender stereotyping is not allowed under Title IX of the Education Amendment’s prohibition on discrimination “because of sex.” However, there has been some confusion over whether this prohibition also covers discrimination based upon gender identity (what sex a student identifies as) and whether Title IX requires schools to treat students consistent with their gender identities rather their biological sex.
Premium Content Education Queensland has ensured transgender students can feel safe at all Queensland state schools. It comes after a parent at a Central Queensland school voiced their concerns about a transgender child using the same toilets as their kids. The school has not been named in the interest of privacy for the student. A father took to social media to address his concerns about a transgender girl using the same toilets as his daughters. (Redacted) has a transgender and they let HIM use the girls toilets, the father said. The girls are not happy as he was a boy for the last eight years of school and then this year he identifies as a girl.