College News and Notes
Fry named to Ohio Dominican University’s Dean’s List
COLUMBUS Lydia Fry of Syracuse, Ohio, has been named to Ohio Dominican University’s 2021 spring semester Dean’s List. In order to make the Dean’s List, full-time undergraduate students must have achieved a 3.5 GPA or better after taking a minimum of 12 credit hours.
Ohio Dominican University is a comprehensive, four-year, private, liberal arts and master’s institution, founded in 1911 in the Catholic and Dominican tradition by the Dominican Sisters of Peace. The University has approximately 1,500 students and offers undergraduate degrees in 39 majors and eight graduate degree programs. At ODU, students connect their passion with a purpose.
Dr. Tasha Chapman, Professor of Educational Ministry at Covenant Theological Seminary and co-author of
Resilient Ministry: What Pastors Told Us About Surviving and Thriving will host the second Churchwise Series: Resilience workshop titled “Self-Care.”
Dr. Chapman views educational ministry as the lifelong process of growing toward maturity in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit with the body of Christ. Her current consulting and research focus on leadership, self-stewardship for resilience, cross-cultural learning, and instructional and curriculum design.
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