Bigg Boss Malayalam 3, the Mohanlal-hosted show has already entered the favourites list of the Malayalam television audiences. Among the contestants, Rithu Manthra, the model-actress-singer has garnered attention with her performance in the grand premiere. Here is everything you need to know about Rithu Manthra.
Kerala Christian priest donates kidney to Hindu youth
Published on
Tue, Feb 2 2021 20:27 IST |
Kidney. Image Source: IANS News
Thiruvananthapuram, Feb 2 : Father Jojo Manmala, 36, is a Capuchin priest under the Catholic church and is serving at a Capuchin centre at Iritty in Kerala s Kannur district. A message was circulated on social media groups for a poor Hindu youth who was undergoing dialysis and would survive only through a kidney transplant.
In the highest order of human love and compassion, Father Jojo did not have second thoughts and decided to donate his kidney to the youth who is from a poor community. This exemplifies the communal harmony in Kerala.
Christian priest donates kidney to Hindu youth in Kerala Indo-Asian News Service
Thiruvananthapuram: Father Jojo Manmala, 36, is a Capuchin priest under the Catholic church and is serving at a Capuchin centre at Iritty in Kerala’s Kannur district. A message was circulated on social media groups for a poor Hindu youth who was undergoing dialysis and would survive only through a kidney transplant.
In the highest order of human love and compassion, Father Jojo did not have second thoughts and decided to donate his kidney to the youth who is from a poor community. This exemplifies the communal harmony in Kerala.