Kerala Christian priest donates kidney to Hindu youth
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Tue, Feb 2 2021 20:27 IST |
Kidney. Image Source: IANS News
Thiruvananthapuram, Feb 2 : Father Jojo Manmala, 36, is a Capuchin priest under the Catholic church and is serving at a Capuchin centre at Iritty in Kerala s Kannur district. A message was circulated on social media groups for a poor Hindu youth who was undergoing dialysis and would survive only through a kidney transplant.
In the highest order of human love and compassion, Father Jojo did not have second thoughts and decided to donate his kidney to the youth who is from a poor community. This exemplifies the communal harmony in Kerala.
Christian priest donates kidney to Hindu youth in Kerala Indo-Asian News Service
Thiruvananthapuram: Father Jojo Manmala, 36, is a Capuchin priest under the Catholic church and is serving at a Capuchin centre at Iritty in Kerala’s Kannur district. A message was circulated on social media groups for a poor Hindu youth who was undergoing dialysis and would survive only through a kidney transplant.
In the highest order of human love and compassion, Father Jojo did not have second thoughts and decided to donate his kidney to the youth who is from a poor community. This exemplifies the communal harmony in Kerala.
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