Like this content? Republish it! h2 Dr. Karuna Sagar Das passes away /h2 br p Another sad news for the greater Assamese society. Prominent Assamese NRI and literateur Dr. Karuna Sagar Das is no more. He passed away Wednessday morning, Dr. Das s family members informed. The editor of celebrated bi-lingual yearly magazine Luit to Thames edited by Dr. Das has been trying to bulid a bridge between NRI Assamese people with their roots. Born in Hajo, Karmrup Dr. Das leaves behind his wife and two daughters, and innumerable well-wishers. The Sagar was the title given to him by Bharatratna Dr. Bhupen Hazarika. A great fan of Dr. Hazarika, Dr. Das lived in the UK for more than 40 years. He was a gynecologist. A biography of him namely “ Ananya Vyatikram” was published a few years ago. /p