Maria Teixeira, 64, and daughter Elizabeth Correia, 41, died over the weekend
Witnesses watched as their SUV drove through a parking lot without braking before plunging off a cliff at a popular coastal overlook in California
Vehicle plunged down 100 feet before landing on the rocks below, police said
The cause of the weekend crash is still under investigation, authorities said
Sheriff identifies Dublin mother, daughter who died after SUV plunged off cliff in Bodega Bay
By KTVU staff
FILE ART - Cliffs of Bodega Bay
Maria Teixeira, 64, and Elizabeth Correia, 41, both died on Saturday after their vehicle landed about 70 feet on the rocks below.
Correia taught first grade at Lydiksen Elementary for 16 years, and her mother Teixeira worked at Montevideo Elementary as the lead custodian in San Ramon, the East Bay Times reported.
According to the Pleasanton Unified School District, Correira grew up in Pleasanton and went to Pleasanton Middle School and Foothill High School. Her bio said she loved teaching, reading, music, art, movies, Disneyland and spending time with friends and family.