/PRNewswire/ TIGA, the trade association representing the UK s video games industry, today revealed the shortlist for the TIGA UK Games Education Awards.
The new Creative Assembly Legacy Scholarship provides financial support and expert mentorship. The scholarship is specifically open to underrepresented or disadvantaged individuals to address existing cultural and socio-economical barriers which may limit their chances of success. Those who are interested in studying on the Games Design degree at Teesside University can apply if they meet the following eligibility criteria; a household income below £25,000 a year and/or identifies as female and/or Black ethnic minority. Two scholarships are available for £9,000 each. Emma Smith, Head of Talent at Creative Assembly said; “We want to contribute to long-lasting change in the games industry; to bring more diverse voices into development teams and boardrooms. Our award-winning education work benefits students across the lifespan of their studies and this scholarship represents the next step at giving potentially disadvantaged students a real chance to fulfil their potential