A DOCUMENTARY about the controversy of police stop and searches airs tomorrow. In England and Wales black men are nine times more likely to be stopped and searched than white men; Channel 4 commissioned Flicker Productions to make a film, fronted by Jermaine Jenas, exploring the contentious issues of stop and search in Britain.
The Truth About Police Stop and Search features the experiences of around 40 black men and teenagers who used cameras to record their experiences of stop and search across England, and to see how their interactions with the police play out. Mr Jenas said: “This film is really important to me; I wanted the viewer at home to gain some understanding of what life is like for a young black man dealing with the police.
Glenveagh pledges to exclude corporate investors from 1,200 home project in Fingal Developer makes ‘irrevocable undertaking’ not to sell homes to institutional investors
about an hour ago
Property group Glenveagh has promised to shut out corporate investors from a major north Dublin housing project on public land as part of a deal with Fingal county council that will reserve apartments for private buyers and cost-rental tenants.
Glenveagh set out the binding commitments in two letters to the local authority.
The move came before councillors voted at a four-hour meeting last night to allow the company build up to 1,200 houses, apartments and duplex homes on a 28-hectare site that Fingal owns at Ballymastone, Donabate.