I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but I have a whole mental timeline for electric cars that divides their history into three categories: the Contender Era, when EVs and gasoline and steam cars were all equally plausible rivals; the Crap Era, when EVs developed their reputation for being slow, unusable shitboxes; and our current Tesla Era, which actually starts with the GM EV1. Today I just want to point out a fascinating detail of a Crap Era car, because I think it explains so much.
For All Mankind is an alternate history where the major point of departure is that in 1969 the Soviets managed to land a cosmonaut on the moon before the Americans did. This means that in this alternate timeline, not only did the N1 rocket actually work, but the effect it had on America and NASA was such that the space race never really stopped. Also, it caused the culture of NASA to become a bit more bold, less risk-adverse and even a bit reckless.
With both the Soviets and Americans on the moon, the Cold War simply extended into the heavens, and by the 1970s bothnations had permanently-crewed lunar bases. The spacecraft, bases and technology shown are all inspired by/adapted from real NASA post-Apollo plans that never happened, like the Apollo Applications Program, of which our timeline only really saw Skylab as a result; on the show, we get to see all kinds of fun stuff, like the Jamestown Base: