Weighing up vaccinating British children vs tackling Covid overseas
It s a tough ethical dilemma: Britain wants to be generous, but will feel under pressure to jab its own population first.
6 June 2021 • 10:00pm
Boris Johnson will use the G7 meeting to urge leaders to commit to vaccinating the world by the end of next year. The UK’s contribution to this has already been significant, either through financial donations to Covax, investment in the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab or the decision to sell it at cost to keep it affordable.
Inevitably, the ethical question arises of whether or not Britain should proceed with plans to vaccinate British children or share its orders of the jab overseas instead. The decision will be a difficult one for the Government. It will come under intense pressure to be charitable, with some pointing out that though coverage of the young is desirable, they are in a comparatively low risk category, while other countries are struggling to stay on top of their