Command Alkon, the provider of a leading supplier collaboration platform for construction’s heavy work, has announced a Water Add Meter (WAM) to measure the amount of water added before and during pours to help validate concrete quality.
“It isn’t uncommon for crews at the jobsite to add more water to the mix which can leave the producer susceptible to risk,” said Dave Donaldson, Vice President of Strategic Sales at Command Alkon. “The Water Add Meter can capture and report that in real time as well as provide an accurate historical report of all of the water that was added into the mix, helping the producer to combat false claims from customers.”
Water Add Meter (WAM) - Real-time Calculation of W/C Ratio
The Water Add Meter measures the amount of water added before and during the pour to help validate concrete quality. Capture accurate, real-time recordations throughout the delivery cycle.
January 22, 2021
Command Alkon
Command Alkon s Water Add Meter (WAM) measures the amount of water added before and during the pour to help validate concrete quality.
“It isn’t uncommon for crews at the jobsite to ask add more water to the mix which can leave the producer susceptible to risk, says Dave Donaldson, Vice President of Strategic Sales at Command Alkon. “The Water Add Meter can capture and report that in real time as well as provide an accurate historical report of all of the water that was added into the mix, helping the producer to combat false claims from customers.”