Czech MP publishes collage comparing vaccinations against COVID-19 to the Holocaust and using imagery of the gate at Auschwitz
15.1.2021 8:34
The collage published on 10 January 2021 by Czech MP Lubomír Volný.
The abuse of the memory of Holocaust victims as part of rejecting vaccination against COVID-19 is continuing in the Czech Republic. After several demonstrators against the vaccination rollout wore yellow Jewish stars to public events inscribed with the term Unvaccinated , Czech MP Lubomír Volný (Jednotní), who was initially elected to the Chamber of Deputies on the list of Freedom and Direct Democracy (SPD) party, has published a distasteful collage in which the message of the sign that hung over the Auschwitz concentration camp, Arbeit macht frei , has been changed to read Vaccine macht Frei .