Apex Legends Season 8 Will Add Gold Weapon Magazines
Apex Legends is getting a shiny new weapon attachment for players to hunt for in Season 8 that’ll automatically reload their guns for them. The new attachment that comes with that powerful perk is the Gold Magazine, and while it already sounds like it’ll be a powerful addition to the weapon and attachment pool, its Gold rarity means it won’t be an easy item to find. Players caught their first glimpse of the new attachment from a description of the game’s Season 8 gameplay trailer and got to see it in action briefly when the trailer was revealed on Tuesday.
Apex Legends Season 8 Gameplay Trailer Released
Apex Legends developer Respawn Entertainment has, as expected, released the first gameplay trailer for the upcoming season of content for the popular battle royale shooter video game. Season 8 - Mayhem includes an updated Kings Canyon map, a new weapon, and a new Legend in the form of Fuse, and the new trailer offers the best look yet at all of the above. If you are curious about what to expect when the new season launches on February 2nd, this should hold you over until then.
Amusingly, the trailer is cut like one might have been for a late 80s movie trailer. While it shows off some character and weapon skins, it is largely focused on Walter Fuse Fitzroy, the latest and greatest Legend. While Respawn Entertainment has yet to release specific details about his abilities, it would seem that based on the gameplay trailer his Ultimate will allow him to drop a cluster bomb on a nearby area like a faster, more-localized Bangalore Ul
Apex Legends Season 8 Details Kings Canyon Map Changes
Apex Legends developer Respawn Entertainment has offered some details on exactly what players can expect from the new version of the classic Kings Canyon map when Season 8 - Mayhem launches on February 2nd. While there are several different areas that have been changed and updated for the new season, the most expansive of these is an entirely new area on the northern edge of the map.
The new crash site area in the north part of Kings Canyon should look familiar to anyone that s seen the latest
Apex Legends promo videos for Season 8 as it features the downed ship from the trailer that introduced Fuse. The resulting destruction has always changed several other parts of the map, including those leading into the crash site like Artillery that should allow for more interesting traversal options.