Readfield-area high school reports COVID-19 outbreak
Richmond High School and Monmouth Academy also reported positive COVID-19 cases.
READFIELD Regional School Unit 38 Superintendent Jay Charette announced Tuesday afternoon that Maranacook Community High School is being categorized as having an “outbreak” of coronavirus cases.
Charette said in a letter to the community that the Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention determined the high school as having an outbreak defined as three or more cases from three different households within a 14-day period but there is “no evidence” of transmission of COVID-19 within the school building.
“It simply means that MCHS meets the criteria for outbreak status,” Charette wrote.
A staff member at Pittston-Randolph Consolidated School has tested positive for COVID-19.
Superintendent Pat Hopkins said that close contacts have been identified and the school will continue to have classes in its hybrid format.
According to the letter that she posted on Friday, Hopkins said Maine School Administrative District 11 has experienced staff shortages due to individuals that have had to quarantine from being around a positive coronavirus case.
She said that because of this, all of the MSAD 11 schools will continue to operate in yellow on Monday, but may have to switch over to red, their fully remote model, if any other coronavirus cases arise.
Gardiner-, Monmouth-area schools report positive COVID-19 cases
Maine School Administrative District 11 Superintendent Pat Hopkins gave an update to the current coronavirus cases.
GARDINER Maine State Administrative School District 11 reported two positive COVID-19 cases within the school community on Wednesday night.
According to a Wednesday letter from Superintendent Pat Hopkins, an administrator at Gardiner Area High School and a student at Pittston-Randolph Consolidated School tested positive for coronavirus.
The elementary school will continue to operate with a hybrid-learning model, and close contacts at both schools have been contacted.
On Thursday morning, the district’s website had a post stating that the high school would be fully remote for the rest of the week due to staffing limitations.
Readfield-, Richmond-area middle schools report positive COVID-19 cases
Maranacook Community Middle School and Richmond Middle School will be operating with a fully remote learning model until Monday.
READFIELD A student at Maranacook Community Middle School has tested positive for COVID-19, according to school officials in Regional School Unit 38.
RSU 38 Superintendent Jay Charette said in a letter Monday afternoon that all close contacts have been notified.
As a result of the positive coronavirus case, Maranacook Community Middle School will be using fully remote instruction through Friday, resuming in-person learning Monday.
Also on Monday afternoon, Richmond Middle School reported a positive COVID-19 case.
Richmond can move forward with withdrawal from RSU 2
Mark Bauer, the lawyer for Regional School Unit 2, says the town and district have finalized details of the separation.
RICHMOND The town of Richmond can move forward with its plan to withdraw from Regional School Unit 2.
At a meeting last week of the Richmond Board of Selectman, the school district’s lawyer, Mark Bauer, confirmed town and RSU 2 officials had finalized details of the separation.
“After negotiating back and forth, I think we have come to an agreement agreeable by both sides,” Bauer said at Tuesday’s meeting.
Under the separation agreement, which Richmond officials are expected to sign Tuesday, neither RSU 2 nor Richmond would owe the other money. Previously, Richmond officials sent RSU 2’s offer back because they did not agree with some of the debt the school district said it was owed.