The Very Excellent Mr Dundee
This grim year of misery and misfortune has highlighted the difference between cinema and the movies: it’s been terrible for the former and excellent for the latter. The pandemic-induced closure of theatres across the world took the focus away from big tentpole releases and shifted it to smaller budget, water cooler productions that were wolfed down by homebound audiences.
“Streaming” should probably be listed as the Oxford Word Of The Year, given how much we’ve all been doing of it. There’s been plenty of TV ‘events’ drawing conversation around the proverbial water cooler – such as, to name a few,
(L-R): Ashleigh Cummings, Essie Davis and Richard Bligh star on the ‘Murder & the Maiden’ episode of the Australian period drama television series, ‘Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries.’
Sometimes the most challenging aspect in life for people can be finding a place where they truly feel comfortable. That’s certainly the case for the title protagonist of the Australian crime drama television series, ‘Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries.’ The eponymous lead character, The Honorable Phryne Fisher, who’s played by Essie Davis, is an independent, glamorous private detective, who won’t find peace until she solves every crime. The mystery show, which is set in the late 1920s in Melbourne, also highlights Phryne’s personal life.
Actress Essie Davis stars on the ‘Murder under the Mistletoe’ episode of the Australian period drama television series, ‘Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries.’
Sometimes the most challenging aspect in life for people can be finding a place where they truly feel comfortable. That’s certainly the case for the title protagonist of the Australian crime drama television series, ‘Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries.’ The eponymous lead character, The Honorable Phryne Fisher, who’s played by Essie Davis, is an independent, glamorous private detective, who won’t find peace until she solves every crime. The mystery show, which is set in the late 1920s in Melbourne, also highlights Phryne’s personal life.