Table View residents concerned about Cityâs development plans
Cape Town - Residents in Table View are concerned that plans for the proliferation of high-rise buildings in the area will make it too congested, putting a strain on basic services.
The Greater Table View stakeholders have described the draft of the Blaauwberg District Spatial Plan as âpro development and anti basic servicesâ. They were commenting on the review of the eight Integrated District Spatial Development Frameworks (SDFs) due on June 6.
The Greater Table View Action Forum (GTAF) said the City had tried to sneak in âdeveloper friendlyâ items on the draft plan that would see a 2km district node around Bayside and Marine Circle, resulting in three- to five-storey flats in these nodes. The forum said this would also give developers the ability to develop most of the Table View area.
1 hour ago Share DOH Health Officer Bob Snyder says it s due to Flagler Health and Rehabilitation Center only vaccinating 24% of its staff.
Twelve patients and eight staff members have COVID-19 at Flagler Health and Rehabilitation, Florida Department of Health-Flagler Health Officer Bob Snyder reported May 28 on WNZF’s “Free For All Friday.”
Of the 20 total cases, four resulted in hospitalizations over the past few weeks.
How did the outbreak happen?
Snyder said that only 24% of the staff have been vaccinated.
Get vaccinated, get tested
Vaccination operations starting May 29 follow:
Tuesday, June 1, and Wednesday, June 2
4:30 to 6:30 p.m. After-Hours Vaccination Clinic at DOH-Flagler, 301 Dr. Carter Blvd in Bunnell. Ages 12 and older Pfizer only. Please call 386-437-7350 ext. 0 for scheduling or questions.
Metro Morning5:51Former Zamboni driver and backup goalie David Ayres thinks Leafs could break the playoff curse
Former Zamboni driver and backup goalie David Ayres thinks Leafs could break the playoff curse
17 hours ago
Goalie David Ayres knows all about handling pressure in the net and he is watching the Leafs games closely.
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Off they’ll go again. (Palm Coast)
The annual Palm Coast fireworks celebration of Independence Day will return this year on July 3 along with the traditional Central Park picnic, with no restrictions on attendance except for a recommendation of physical distancing.
The city has been marking its own July 4 celebrations in tandem with Flagler Beach since 2010, always a day before or a day after Flagler Beach’s big-draw event that’s held on July 4. The announcement was a surprise: it was not discussed by the city council, neither at a meeting nor at a workshop.
But this year, like last year, Flagler Beach has elected not to go ahead with its July 4 parade and fireworks, citing covid safety issues and the impossibility of practicing physical distancing along the parade route or even on the beach and along State Road A1A when the fireworks go off. Anyone who’s attended Flagler Beach’s July 4 celebrations would be familiar with its throngs of people as the barrier island bec