Hard at work - four men in the Paxman workshop, in the 1950s EVERYONE loves a trip down memory lane. Whether it’s school class photos, pictures with friends in a sports team or powerful images of a certain occasion, nostalgia is a very special emotion. Does the word conjure up memories of a certain event - a gathering of people sharing a moment in time? Perhaps you have special memories of working with friends and colleagues in a particular building, office or factory. Have you worked at the same place for a long time? Or maybe you’re retired now but were a long-time employee of a certain business.
Hard at work - four men in the Paxman workshop, in the 1950s EVERYONE loves a trip down memory lane. Whether it’s school class photos, pictures with friends in a sports team or powerful images of a certain occasion, nostalgia is a very special emotion. Does the word conjure up memories of a certain event - a gathering of people sharing a moment in time? Perhaps you have special memories of working with friends and colleagues in a particular building, office or factory. Have you worked at the same place for a long time? Or maybe you’re retired now but were a long-time employee of a certain business.