Alan Ramsbottom Way in Great Harwood A MAN driving a skip wagon which crashed into a parked car only had a licence to drive a car. Blackburn magistrates heard Richard Westwood needed a licence to drive seven-and-a-half-ton vehicle to be legally behind the wheel of the vehicle. And when police caught up with him he was found to be over the legal drink drive level. Westwood, 34, of Spring Street, Accrington, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol and other than in accordance with a licence. He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with 20 days rehabilitation activity requirement and ordered to pay £85 costs and £95 victim surcharge. He was banned for 15 months.
Fraudster pretending to be a bailiff conned Darwen garage owner A MAN pretended to be a court bailiff to carry out a “scam” on a Darwen garage.
Blackburn magistrates heard Scott James Johnson initially demanded £5,000 to prevent the garage owner facing court action over an outstanding debt. The garage owner thought the bill might be to do with water rates and referred it to his landlord. But after further contact from Johnson and taking advice from his accountant he deposited £1,000 in a bank account he was told belonged to Blackburn magistrates. It subsequently transpired to be a bank account held by Johnson.
A MAN who turned to drugs after the death of his father also developed mental health problems. Blackburn magistrates heard the issues faced by Lewis Mathison Crabtree were exacerbated by lock-down and in May he was caught driving while over the limit for MDMA. But the court was told it was a different Lewis Crabtree who stood before the court after turning his life around. Crabtree, 24, of Maricourt Avenue, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to drug driving, other than in accordance with a licence and without insurance. He was fined £270 with £85 costs and £34 victim surcharge and banned from driving for 12 months. Tessa Kenyon, prosecuting, said Crabtree was stopped at 5.30am and a roadside test proved positive for cocaine. A subsequent blood sample was below the limit for cocaine but positive for MDMA with a reading of 75 against the legal limit of 15.
Blackburn magistrates heard the prosecution case was that Gianluca Gibson played a leading role in the dealing. But Gareth Price, defending, said his client played a lesser role which, under the sentencing guidelines meant a much lesser sentence. Gibson, 24, of Whitehaven Close, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to possessing cannabis with intent to supply. He was remanded on bail for a special hearing when evidence will be called to establish the facts. Tessa Kenyon, prosecuting, said the cannabis was packed into bags ready to go on sale when it was found in the flat where Gibson was the only tenant. She said £1,335 was seized by the police.