Delhi Police has been asked to ensure effective checking of movement of persons and vehicles and prevent unnecessary movement of people on roads during curfew (file photo)
NEW DELHI: Delhi Disaster Management Authority on Saturday issued an order permitting operations of manufacturing/production units within closed premises in approved industrial areas and construction activities within their work sites from Monday (May 31) 5am onwards. The lockdown has, however, been extended till June 7 (5am).
All existing restrictions, including the suspension of Delhi Metro services and bar on weddings in public places and all wholesale and retail markets, will stay till 5am on June 7. Movement of individuals is prohibited except those engaged in essential and permitted activities. Movement of workers and employees will be allowed only on the possession of e-pass (in soft or hard copy). It can be obtained by submitting an online application on the Delhi government website ( O
New Delhi, May 28
Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Friday said Delhi had somehow gained control over the second wave of Covid and the city would now start the process of lifting the lockdown gradually.
He, however, said the fight against the virus had not ended. At a meeting of Delhi Disaster Management Authority on Friday, it was decided that the lockdown be lifted gradually. In the process, we have to take care of the lowest strata first.daily wagers, labourers, migrant workers, he said.
It had been decided to open factories and allow construction activities, Kejriwal said.
Every week, based on experts and public opinion, the government would continue the unlock process, he said.