23 How does West Point continue to lead in the collective effort to develop a haven where future Army leaders from diverse, minority backgrounds can feel welcomed, valued and respected?
To answer this question, pioneers and innovators from different walks of life lend their services to continue in the ever-evolving process of fostering cohesion and team unity within the U.S. Military Academy.
Since May 2014, the Office of the Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunity has worked on awareness-raising strategies in collaboration with internal and external assets to develop efficient training regiments that help encourage diverse thinking and cultural acceptance among cadets.
Innocent woman killed, 4 injured in wrong-way, highly intoxicated crash on Westpark Tollway KTRK
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An innocent woman died Wednesday morning on the Westpark Tollway in a wrong-way crash involving a highly intoxicated driver, authorities said.
It happened in the inbound lanes near Dunvale just after 2 a.m. From the looks of the damage, I m going to confirm this is a wrong-way driver crash, a first responder could be heard saying on radio scanner traffic. Can we get with HPD to see if they have any 911 calls on wrong-way drivers? Maybe we can establish where this car came from.