Camperdown Police call on local community to be vigilent
Police in the Camperdown area have been made aware of a series of phone scams, where police station phone numbers are being cloned and used to trick people into handing over large quantities of money.
As a result they ve warned the community to be vigilant, If they receive a phone call requesting personal information or payment from a person representing themselves from a law enforcement or government agency.
Sergeant Andrew Raven from Camperdown Police, says it s disturbing that these types of scams have resurfaced. It was around a few months ago, and it seems to have come back, so if people do get a call from the AFP it s likely to be a scam, particularly when they start talking about that they will be arrested if they don t comply he said.
New Signs Lead The Way
17 February 2021 | 09:36am
New wayfinding signs for mountain bike trail
Making the most of Warrnambool’s mountain bike trail has been made easier thanks to new directional signs.
A total of 60 signs have been installed at the Thunder Point mountain bike trail, directing people along three different loops.
Council provided $15,000 for the project via the Small Infrastructure Fund, with Warrnambool Mountain Bike Club volunteers installing the signs over a series of working bees along 7km of trail.
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Club Treasurer Graeme Wines said that the new signs made riding the trail easier for everyone, especially new riders.
Lockdown to end at midnight tonight
The news that residents on the Great South Coast have been waiting for has been announced, with confirmation there will be no extension to Victoria s snap 5 day lockdown.
Almost all restrictions will be lifted from 11:59pm tonight, including the four reasons to leave your home and the 5km radius, though only 5 visitors will be allowed in the home, and 20 at a public gathering.
Schools will re-open, as will businesses effected by the lockdown, while sport and recreation can resume.
For masks, they will be required at all times inside (other than at home), and outdoors whenever a safe distance cannot be kept.