Hearing on Proposed Amendments to the Washington Administrative Code Standards of Conduct for Students
Washington State University will conduct a public hearing on a proposed revision to WAC chapter 504-26 – Standards of Conduct for Students on January 20, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. via a ZOOM meeting. You may join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android: https://wsu.zoom.us/j/95046317005?pwd=NmViMzZaWTEzUlRmZG9mdW9TeTFZQT09; Meeting ID: 950 4631 7005; Passcode: 737490; OR join by telephone (long distance): +1 669 900 9128 (enter the meeting ID and passcode when prompted). Due to the public health emergency resulting from COVID-19 and guidance/directives from the Washington department of health, no in-person hearing locations are being scheduled for this hearing.