Oral Health: Common Dental Myths You Should Stop Believing Oral Health: Common Dental Myths You Should Stop Believing Dental health: Several myths around dental health can lead to poor oral health and several dental issues. If ignored dental issues can lead to several severe complications. Read here as expert busts popular dental myths.
Dental health: Flossing is as important as brushing for healthy teeth
Flossing help remove food remains between teeth
Always rinse your mouth post meal
Oral health needs adequate attention as it is linked with your overall health in several ways. Oral health is often referred as the mirror of the overall health of a person. There are many misconceptions related to oral health. Due to these misconceptions, many times people end up following wrong practices, ultimately landing up with oral health issues. Untreated oral issues can lead to severe complication in future. Here are some common misconceptions regarding oral health you n