Thursday, 8 July 2021, 1:14 pm
Data such as personal information has
become one of the greatest drivers of economic activity in
the modern world. Data is the oil of the fourth industrial
revolution and in future, data will drive economic
prosperity, sustainability, and well-being. Yet, the
commodification of data has raised regulatory and governance
challenges for societies across the world.
governance professionals are stepping up to the challenge of
navigating the laws and regulations that govern how those
within our society interface with personal data.
the University of Auckland Business School on
9 July for a special symposium highlighting current
By Staff Writer on Jun 1, 2021 9:21AM
Key cyber security trends revealed by PwC’s 24th CEO Survey.
Most Australian CEOs surveyed by PwC see cyber security risks as a threat to growth, though more could be done to help them understand those risks, the firm reports.
th CEO Survey found that 95 per cent of Australian CEOs saw cyber risks as the top threat to business growth.
Around three quarters of Australian respondents to the survey said they now factor cyber threats into their baseline strategic risk management activities.
And 78 per cent of respondents said they are increasing spending on cyber security. That corroborates Gartner’s