A group of 22 alumni of KV, CLRI, wrote a letter to the school s principal T Rama Prasad on Sunday, alleging that a language teacher from the school had sexually abused them while they were students
Letters to the Editor January 20, 2021
January 20, 2021 00:02 IST
January 20, 2021 00:02 IST
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Vaccine fine print
The build-up prior to the ‘launch’ of vaccination has fizzled out after the report, “Covaxin not to be used in cases of allergy, fever, poor immunity” (Page 1, January 19). The central government has been keen to give equal status to Covishield and Covaxin, but people are left unimpressed. The caveats in the use of Covaxin have only increased the apprehensions of the general public.
R. Nagarajan,
Notifying important contraindications after the launch of the product does not seem to augur well. Does this apply to the other vaccine, Covishield ? How does a person know that he has ‘poor (compromised) immunity’? It is important to clarify things and avoid confusion among the public which is drifting towards ‘vaccine hesitancy’.
Letters to the Editor January 18, 2021
January 18, 2021 00:02 IST
January 18, 2021 00:02 IST
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Vaccine drive, day 1
The vaccination drive has taken off with fanfare, with the Prime Minister backing the safety and efficacy of the vaccines.
The jury is still out on the vaccines and it is nigh impossible to issue a guarantee certificate. The vaccines will speak for themselves and people will come forward on their own volition. But what could go wrong ought to be emphasised so that people do not panic.
Deepak Singhal,
Noida, Uttar Pradesh
It is encouraging that health workers at all levels are stepping forward to get themselves vaccinated, which will go a long way in tackling vaccine hesitancy. When COVID-19 surfaced, taking everyone unawares, it was health workers who toiled hard, risking their lives to battle it out. The nation should gratefully acknowledge their contributions.