Sarah Courtney,Minister for Health Last week, 127 Triple-0 calls were referred into secondary triage by Ambulance Tasmania, with 31 of those referred on.
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Glenorchy police conduct traffic operation aimed at deterring unsafe driving behaviours
Glenorchy Police undertook a high visibility traffic operation today aimed at detecting and deterring unsafe driving behaviours.
“Tasmania Police is committed to improving driver behaviour, to prevent crashes and keep everyone safe on the roads,” said Inspector John Ward.
“Glenorchy Police conducted a traffic operation on Barossa Road this morning and were pleased with the behaviour of motorists that were intercepted.
“Of the 188 motorists intercepted, the majority of drivers were doing the right thing, however, one person was charged with driving without a licence, and three other motorists received defect notices for their vehicles for minor issues.”
Roger Jaensch,Minister for Housing
Elise Archer,Minister for Building and Construction
Instead of banding together once again and playing politics with such a serious issue, Labor and the Greens should support our plan for housing which is delivering more homes for Tasmanians faster than ever before.
In relation to all the cases raised by the Opposition in State Parliament today, Housing Connect is working with the individuals and will continue to offer them a range of supports and assistance.
The Opposition knows this, and Housing Connect will continue working with the individuals to assist them with their housing needs.
I have now had two constructive conversations with AFL CEO Gill McLachlan in recent days.
Importantly, Mr McLachlan understands very clearly our desire to have the consultant’s work on the Tasmanian AFL Licence Taskforce report completed by the middle of the year, and that the agreed consultant must be someone that is independent and suitable to both the AFL and the State.
Having the work completed by the middle of the year will enable us to move forward with clarity, make arrangements with Hawthorn and North Melbourne, and importantly take the next steps towards our own Tasmanian team.
Mr McLachlan has committed to providing me with an answer by the end of next week, and I will provide a further update by next Friday, 12 March 2021.