Posted: May 05, 2021 6:00 AM CT | Last Updated: May 5
Steve Norn, MLA for Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh, confirmed to CBC News Tuesday that he broke his isolation period after travelling. (Mario De Ciccio/Radio-Canada)
Northwest Territories MLAs are filing a complaint with the territory s integrity commissioner about MLA Steve Norn breaking his isolation period after travelling.
MLAs met at a caucus meeting Tuesday morning, and issued a statement in the afternoon saying they d directed their chair, Yellowknife North MLA Rylund Johnson, to file the complaint.
In a brief conversation with CBC News Tuesday, Norn confirmed he broke his two-week isolation period after travelling.
Posted: Apr 01, 2021 4:00 AM CT | Last Updated: April 1
Two assault charges against Lutsel K e Chief Darryl Marlowe were stayed on Wednesday. Police say the charges were laid after an incident in the early morning hours of Jan. 3. Marlowe remains charged with impaired driving on the same date.(Gabriela Panza-Beltrandi/CBC)
Assault charges were stayed against Darryl Marlowe, chief of Åutselk e on Wednesday, but he remains accused of operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol.
The prosecutor handling the case would not provide any details about why the two assault charges were stayed, other than to say after reviewing all of the evidence available, it was unlikely that Marlowe would be convicted of the charges.
Posted: Mar 01, 2021 7:36 PM CT | Last Updated: March 2
The Frontier Fishing Lodge in Łutsël K é.(Submitted by Frontier Fishing Lodge)
Łutsël K é Dene First Nation is outraged that more than a year after purchasing the Frontier Fishing Lodge, they are stuck in a bureaucratic trap over permits, says Chief Darryl Marlowe.
The First Nation is concerned that unless licensing issues are resolved there won t be a business left to license, Marlowe said in a Monday news release. The crushing impacts of GNWT bureaucracy and the collapse of the tourism industry as a result of the COVID[-19] pandemic meant that 2020 was a complete write-off for the lodge, wrote Marlowe.