For online conspiracy theories, 2020 was a blockbuster year. Whether it was QAnon, older notions of a New World Order, or one of many nebulous suspicions surrounding Covid-19, a wide array of false, discredited fringe theories found footholds on internet forums and social media websites, growing in the fertile ground afforded by political upheaval, the pandemic and lockdowns. We spoke to Tommy Shane, head of impact and policy at First Draft, a global non-profit tackling misinformation, about how to talk to friends and family falling down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole…
Work out whether to be worried Most people would encourage critical thinking, and it can be difficult to distinguish healthy scepticism from internet-fuelled conspiracism. Shane says any conversation should involve probing – gently pushing back on someone’s views to see how deeply they actually hold them.
January 28, 2021, 1:14 pm
Conspiracy theories have spread rapidly though social media around issues including politics and the pandemic (Yui Mok/PA).
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For online conspiracy theories, 2020 was a blockbuster year.
Whether it was QAnon, older notions of a New World Order, or one of many nebulous suspicions surrounding Covid-19, a wide array of false and discredited fringe theories found footholds on internet forums and social media websites, growing in the fertile ground afforded by political upheaval, the pandemic and lockdowns.