York Education Foundation announces ‘Share the Vision’ initiative
Portsmouth Herald
“We are thrilled to announce the ‘Share the Vision’ initiative!” said YEF President Heidi Wefers.
Todd Springer, president and CEO of the FootBridge Company, has offered to match all donations up to a total of $5,000 which are made to YEF before the end of the school year in June.
YEF’s focus this year has been on its Appreciation Initiative. The nonprofit is purchasing gift cards from local companies to support their business. In turn, each week a staff member at each of the four schools in town is randomly chosen to receive one of these gift cards as well as a YEF-logo mask.
Motivation to the Masses Pt. 1
Tab Spangler starts
Tab Spangler: My test run of Serenity Ranch’s new approach was a total success if I do say so myself. But I wish I knew how to get the word out to the massive masses…
Kirk: Want some business advice from a guy who’s never run a business?
Tab Spangler: No. Is there anyone smarter around or more qualified? Like, uh, Rich Texan or Hank Scorpio?
Kirk: Okay, fine. I’ll go and get them…Here’s Rich Texan and Hank Scorpio.
The Rich Texan: fires gun Marketing your weight loss technique is way too expensive.