Silver Dollar Mandan Denied Liquor License. Now What?
The Silver Dollar is as iconic to the city of Mandan as it s historic train depot. Ok, maybe that s a reach? You tell me, as I d go so far as to say it s more iconic. When I first moved to Mandan, I lived just a half block north of the Dollar and I could have given directions to my house to any biker in the Upper Midwest just by saying I lived up the street from the Silver.
That was 2001 and Mandan was very much the black sheep of the North Dakota family, maybe because of the exotic dancers, maybe because of all the 4th of July fireworks, or maybe it was all the rusted out Plymouth Dusters being driven around as daily drivers. Well when it came to strippers, bikers, whiskey, and rock and roll- people came to the Silver Dollar.
Come On Mandan City Commission – Take Care Of Those That Serve!
I m going to go out on a limb here and say anytime you have a gathering of sorts, and the topic of money comes into play, there are going to be some issues. This was the case last night during the Mandan City Commission meeting - pay raises were discussed for city employees. KFYR TV reported that the discussion became rather heated at times.
A committee appointed by the Financial and Human Resource directors recommended that all city salaries be increased to 100 percent of market value with a four percent equity.