June is one of the most beautiful months on the Vineyard. Here we are at the beginning of it. The earth and air and water that slowly warmed through May has made good on its promises, and the summer lays ahead with all those promises to be discovered. People are already swimming. Trees are fully […]
MVCS uses grant to strengthen family childcare on-Island
Martha’s Vineyard Community Services (MVCS) has expanded its youth and family programming, thanks to a grant from the Martha’s Vineyard Vision Fellowship, according to a press release. The grant, which was received in the fall, is intended to support and strengthen the Island’s Family Child Care programs.
Part of the grant funds went to hiring Joanne Lambert to fill the new role of family childcare network coordinator. Lambert has a degree in human development from Lesley University, Child Development Association certification, and 24 years of experience as a Department of Early Education and Care licensed family childcare provider.