James Island mayor dumps documents on floor during council discussion
VIDEO: James Island mayor dumps documents on floor during council discussion By Nick Reagan | April 30, 2021 at 5:01 PM EDT - Updated April 30 at 8:03 PM
JAMES ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - A James Island Town Council workshop meeting turned heated Wednesday night after Mayor Bill Woolsey allegedly became upset and abruptly left the meeting.
Council members say he then returned with a recycling bin full of documents and proceeded to dump the contents onto the floor.
“He then went back into the town offices and got a second recycle bin and dumped it on the floor in front of all of us and then tossed the recycle bin across the conference room,” said Councilmember Cynthia Mignano. “I was definitely shocked. I found it to be unprofessional on his part. There are other ways that you can get your point across.”
James Island voting on Folly Road park
VIDEO: James Island voting on Folly Road park By Danielle Seat | April 14, 2021 at 6:06 AM EDT - Updated April 14 at 7:37 AM
JAMES ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) -The Town of James Island plans to build a new park along Folly Road.
The town says they have planned a community park that could soon become a reality and James Island Mayor Bill Woosley says if votes pass, construction could start in the next couple of months.
The site planned for the park is vacant land at the intersection of Folly Road and Brantley Drive. Woodley says the town bought the plot with money from Charleston County’s Greenbelt fund.