Medical professionals seeing a significant decrease in COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths
Still Dr. James Tita with Mercy Health says you shouldn t let your guard down - the vaccine is the best way out of this. Author: Roxanne Elias (WTOL) Updated: 4:07 AM EDT May 20, 2021
TOLEDO, Ohio In the fight against COVID, medical professionals are seeing a downward trend in cases, hospitalizations and deaths.
If you haven t noticed, signs letting you know you don t have to wear a mask inside if you re fully vaccinated have been popping up at several stores and locations. For those that are fully vaccinated, the risk of them either being infected or spreading an infection is very low. And I think from that standpoint, they can feel safe, said Dr. James Tita, the Chief Medical Officer at Mercy Health St. Vincent.
Thinking about skipping your 2nd dose? Why doctors say it s important to get the second shot
The CDC reports nearly 8% of those who have received their first dose of the two-shot COVID-19 vaccines haven t returned to get the second. Author: Emily Cohen Updated: 2:06 AM EDT May 4, 2021
TOLEDO, Ohio We ve been hearing it since the COVID-19 vaccine first came out.
If we re getting Moderna or Pfizer, we have to get a second dose. But why do we have to go back to get another needle poked into our arm? There s no information that allows us to say that taking one dose instead of two is effective, said chief medical officer at Mercy Health, Dr. James Tita.
Doctors shed light on unlikely side effects you could feel after being vaccinated
They say it is very rare that they show up and the side effects shouldn t last long. Author: Roxanne Elias (WTOL) Updated: 11:45 PM EDT May 1, 2021
Time and time again we hear about the common minor side effects, like fever and body aches, that the COVID-19 vaccines can leave you with.
But what about those we don t hear about too often? Side effects like rashes or swollen lymph nodes.
Local health experts say these much less common side effects are very unlikely but they have been reported here.
In some cases, getting the vaccine while you are sick with COVID-19 could be dangerous. Author: Amy Steigerwald Updated: 8:44 PM EST December 21, 2020
TOLEDO, Ohio It seems as if everything surrounding COVID-19 is uncertain and ever changing. But there s one thing local doctors are sure of: the COVID-19 vaccine is not meant to cure an active infection.
Meaning, if someone has the virus, getting the shot will not cure them right away. The vaccine is designed to prevent people from getting sick with COVID, said ProMedica s Dr. Brian Kaminski. Giving the vaccine to someone who has an active infection, I wouldn t necessarily expect that would do anything, added Dr. James Tita with Mercy Health St. Vincent Medical Center.
The hospital wrapped up Day 2 of distribution of Pfizer s vaccine on Thursday. Author: Amy Steigerwald Updated: 7:08 PM EST December 17, 2020
TOLEDO, Ohio St. Vincent Medical Center s Chief Medical Officer Dr. James Tita was one of the first in northwest Ohio to get a shot after the facility received its first doses of Pfizer s COVID-19 vaccine on Tuesday.
“I can tell you from experience, the only reaction I ve experienced, and some of the other people that got the vaccine, is some soreness in the arm where we got the vaccine,” Tita said.
Part of the vaccine process includes a mandatory follow up with the FDA. People are expected to report any symptoms they are having following the shot through a text message system.