Lanisha Rolle and
PM Minnis
NASSAU| BP watches with much curiosity the on again and then off again maybe or might be naming of Lisa Bostwick as the FNM candidate for Seabreeze.
The wutless press reported that
Lisa Bostwick was the candidate. We saw there was no one saying it was a lie and then the next day
Bostwick says
Well for one, when BP says something that ain’t no talking fool.
Lisa Bostwick was running in Seabreeze. She was approached, she said yes and the news got out.
Lying, destructive
Carl Culmer was getting ready to announce
Lisa Bostwick for Seabreeze and BP can confirm the printing press was ready to roll over with the paraphernalia and then like dust in the wind erryting gone away.
EDITOR, The Tribune.
After reading what Peter Turnquest, the Deputy Leader of the Free National Movement (FNM), had to say about a discriminatory provision against spouses of Bahamian citizens in the Fisheries Bill during debate in the House of Assembly, I was moved to publicly support his position.
I lament the position taken by the government on this matter. The provision excluding spouses of Bahamians from commercial fishing tarnishes the codification of the fisheries law.
This offending provision with an obscenely outrageous penalty will overwhelmingly, if not exclusively, have a negative impact upon Bahamian women married to foreign nationals who are engaged in the fishing sector. It will have widespread ripple effects on human rights of persons legally present in our country with an unrestricted right to work.