Cllr Keith Aspden in Fulford in 2018 PEOPLE can learn about flood defence plans for Fulford at a virtual meeting. The proposed £4.9 million flood defence scheme would protect 43 homes in the Fordlands Road area as well as reducing flooding on the A19. A virtual meeting takes place on April 15 at 5.30pm, when residents will be able to hear about the planned works and ask the city’s flood manager questions. Under the scheme, the flood wall will be extended, a new valve flap will be installed at the Germany Beck culvert and a new pumping station built. The council has earmarked £2 million towards the project. Construction work could start early next year.
By Reader s letter
FLASHBACK: Traffic backing up on Heslington Lane after the school buses leave Fulford School. Picture: Richard Doughty Photography. New school access was always part of plan regarding the promise that Fulford School would have a new access road from Germany Beck: the original design for this extensive housing development always included a road access into the school. Ex-county councillor and ex-Fulford School governor David Ashton acknowledges this (Letters, January 30). He also takes a shot at Fulford Parish Council, which has always pressed its support for this purpose-built access. More relevant, senior school staff attended, or were copied into notes from, the many public consultations.
By Reader s letter
FLASHBACK: Traffic backing up on Heslington Lane after the school buses leave Fulford School. Picture: Richard Doughty Photography. Further to letters already written regarding access to Fulford School, it should be noted that the houses were in situ before the school was built. Many residents have always been informed that changes to the entrance would take place when the Germany Beck development took place. However, now none of the school, City of York Council nor Persimmon as developers will take any responsibility for the fact that no changes have taken place. When addressed they just blame somebody else.
Many thanks to Mike Laycock for highlighting the sufferings of local residents as a result of the Fulford School bus traffic (Chance to end our traffic nightmare may be lost, January 16). We’ve long been promised eventual transfer of all school bus traffic to purpose-built access via Germany Beck. Is that promise to be denied? Headmaster Steve Lewis claims he is ‘working closely with all stakeholders’ with ‘consultation ongoing’. Local residents are acknowledged by school and council as stakeholders, yet our requests for meaningful consultation – consultation that could make a difference - have been rejected. Instead Mr Lewis’s ‘consultation’ has shrunk to including us in a questionnaire aimed at school parents, pupils and staff, who outnumber us by thousands. Its questions seem designed to elicit overwhelming support for a 20 per cent expansion in school numbers – with not one word offered to explain what it will mean on the ground, or where buses will