The Indian benchmark indices ended Friday s session lower, down over 1 per cent, triggered by an across-the-board sell-off that saw all the Nifty sectoral indices ending the session in the red. Among headline indices, the S&P BSE Sensex tumbled as much as 788 points from the previous day s close to 48,796 in the intra-day deals, before partially erasing the losses and ending at 49,035, down 549 points. The broader Nifty50 index ended the day 1.1 per cent lower at 14,434. The fall comes amid worries over the Indian markets soaring valuations and profit booking by investors after the major information information technology (IT) companies posted better-than-expected results in the December quarter.
The BSE Sensex on Wednesday afternoon shed all the gains made during the initial trade to trade over 250 points down.Decline in the heavyweights HDFC and Reliance Industries (RIL) weighed on the index.Both the Sensex and the Nifty50 on the .
Favourable global cues along with positive domestic macro economic data pushed the Indian equity indices higher during the mid-afternoon trade session on Friday.Accordingly, Nifty opened at record highs and continued its positive momentum .
Bottom Fishing: Markets bounce back after slide, realty stocks rise
An intra-day dip on Thursday triggered the buying momentum in the Indian equity market in the late-afternoon trade session. Accordingly, the up-move comes after global cues subdued the market.
| 8 Jan 2021 7:59 AM GMT
MUMBAI: An intra-day dip on Thursday triggered the buying momentum in the Indian equity market in the late-afternoon trade session. Accordingly, the up-move comes after global cues subdued the market.
Subsequently, investors dived into the market to buy stocks in decline which triggered another uplift.
Some losses were witnessed in the IT, FMCG and Pharma indices while Metal, Realty Banking and Auto space traded in the green.