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COLLINGSWOOD - An ostensibly nonpartisan election here Tuesday featured a victory statement by the one of Camden County s top Democrats.
Collingswood Mayor Jim Maley, incumbent commissioner Robert Lewandowski and running mate Morgan Robinson easily defeated a slate of challengers, declared James Beach, a state senator and chairman of the Camden County Democratic Committee.
The borough s third commissioner, Joan Leonard, did not seek re-election. Team Collingswood won by more than a 2-to-1 margin, making it a crushing victory, Beach said in a statement.
The challengers in the race Jen Rossi, Bill Johnson and Kate Delany represented a progressive wing that in 2019 prevailed in the local Democratic Committee election.
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Keep services open
This may seem controversial, but if I had known what I know now, I never would have closed down the clinic, particularly the ASC, during the first wave.