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Indian coal plant s World Bank lender immune from enviro suit

The company and law firm names shown above are generated automatically based on the text of the article. We are improving this feature as we continue to test and develop in beta. We welcome feedback, which you can provide using the feedback tab on the right of the page. (Reuters) - Farmers, fishermen and others who say the coal-fired Tata Mundra Power Plant in Gujarat, India has ruined the environment and their livelihoods cannot sue the U.S.-based international organization that financed its construction in 2008, a federal appeals court held Tuesday in a case that the U.S. Supreme Court revived in 2019.

Gibson Dunn, Latham advise Broadcom on FTC antitrust settlement

Broadcom disputed anticompetitive claims The company and law firm names shown above are generated automatically based on the text of the article. We are improving this feature as we continue to test and develop in beta. We welcome feedback, which you can provide using the feedback tab on the right of the page. Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher and Latham & Watkins represented Broadcom Inc in an antitrust settlement announced on Friday that requires the semiconductor maker to stop demanding that its customers buy source components from the California-based tech company. The Federal Trade Commission said in bringing its action against Broadcom that the agency was pushing back against strong-arm tactics by a monopolist in important markets for key broadband components. In a statement, Broadcom disputed the FTC s claim that the company s anticompetitive behavior required its customers to purchase source components exclusively or mostly from Broadcom, and it disagreed with the agency s charact

NY correction officer owes $550K to inmate for sex assault

Ghost bike placed for recent bicycle fatality in Holland

Ghost bike placed for recent bicycle fatality in Holland Sentinel Staff The white bicycle is attached to a post and features Green s name and birthdate. Green was killed in a crash on Tuesday, Feb. 16. He was traveling south on his bicycle on Waverly Road near Eighth Street when, just after 8:15 p.m., he was struck from behind by the driver of a vehicle also heading south. Green was struck a second time by another driver traveling in the same direction. Green was transported by ambulance to Holland Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.  It was the second fatal crash involving a bicycle on Waverly Road in the past four years. In January 2018, Johnathan Herlein was killed while riding his bicycle south on Waverly between 24th Street and 32nd Street. The vehicle driver told police he didn t see Herlein, who was wearing dark clothing, until right before hitting him.

Pedal Holland places ghost bike at site of recent fatal bike crash

Pedal Holland places ghost bike at site of recent fatal bike crash Pedal Holland and last updated 2021-03-11 16:16:28-05 HOLLAND CHARTER TOWNSHIP, Mich. — A ghost bike has been placed on Waverly in Holland Charter Township to mark the death of Jeffrey Green, who was killed last month while riding his bike. This was the second fatal bike-car crash to happen in the area in the past four years. In January 2018, Jonathan Herlein was killed when he was riding his bike southbound between 24 th and 32 nd Streets. “It’s important that we don’t sweep these tragedies under the rug,” said Meika Weiss of Pedal Holland. “While there are things we can do as bicyclists to help reduce our risk, it will take the whole community making safe mobility a priority to keep this from happening again.”

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