“Hilarious, Generous, Intuitive, Creative, Interested”
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January 6, 2021
Mr. Hanan was my seventh-grade science teacher the year where you learn about rocks and tectonic plates and stuff but he was also the shop teacher at my school. He called me “Lissy-poo” and let me watch his corn snake eat after school if I hung around long enough, and he was the only Adventist I’d met outside of church and family. The year I had him, he got a piece of metal lodged in his eye during shop class and had to wear a patch. He let students sleep on the couch in his storeroom if they needed a nap, and he engaged in discussions about evolution and religion during class time (though I suppose he could have lost his job for that one). I remember making a Sputnik cake for a project. It was the ugliest, least appetizing thing I think I’ve ever made, but I got extra credit because “it’s edible.” Mr. Hanan passed away on May 5, 2020, just over eight months ago. His passing