Scientists have figured out what provokes large-scale volcanic eruptions and conditions that could possibly lead to them.
(Photo : Getty Images)
Hawaii s Kilauea
One of the most active volcanoes in the world is Hawaii s Kilauea. Because of this and its relatively easy accessibility, it is also included in the most heavily outfitted with equipment for monitoring - instruments that aid in measuring and recording everything that happens when earthquakes occur, from the earthquake and movement of the ground to lava volume and advancement.
However, Kilauea s 2018 eruption was particularly massive and was accompanied by a peak collapse. In fact, in more than 200 years it was the volcano s largest eruption.
May 05, 2021 07:30 PM EDT
More accurate measurements could help in boosting yields and aids the enablement of cleaner farm design. Optical Frequency combs are basically high-tech rulers for the measurement of various colors of light; they re essential for producing better atomic clocks and exoplanets hunting, among other things.
(Photo : Tobi)
Ammonia and Methane Emissions
Now experts at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), partnering with scientists at Kansas State University (KSU), have initiated the agricomb, which is an optical frequency comb that takes a measurement of the gassy discharges from cow burps - the first frequency comb usage in an agricultural background.
The stark disparity in vaccine rates between rich and poor countries serves as an example for how the planet reacts to another global challenge: averting climate change's worst consequences.
As of 2016, China accounted for about 26% of global carbon emissions. But in response, the government has vowed a rather sizable carbon neutral target to be achieved by 2060. Recent landslides in Tibet are showing that climate change is going on ahead and could be a major roadblock for the country's green energy push.